Game Economy Update

Dear Players,

Game Economy Update

We've been closely monitoring our game's economy and have identified some areas that need adjustments to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all. 

We appreciate your dedication and feedback, which have been instrumental in helping us recognize these issues. As a team, because we have not made adjustments sooner, we are experiencing issues in the game economy we did not initially foresee when new features were introduced.  Today we start the process of taking action to address these concerns.

Cash Flow and Bounties

We understand that some of you have experienced frustrations with the maximum cash limits and bounty values growing beyond manageable levels (situations where some players can run into unaffordable Bounties or players earning way more additional Cash than losing it).

Similar to how in 2022 we made new improvements to the Hitlist/Bounty by evolving it into a real-time feature for players (increasing the fast-paced feeling of the Blitz events, and making it a lot easier to play) - a series of continual changes will be made to fix the unbounded cash economy.

Upcoming Changes

To create a more balanced and sustainable game economy (with a focus on the longevity of our games for all our players), we'll be implementing the following updates:

  1. Improved Cash Handling: We're working on a solution to prevent cash loss due to database limitations. This will ensure that your hard-earned rewards are always preserved.
  2. Blitz System Update: Over the past months while other features such as Raids, Jobs/Adventures and Challenges receive significant attention from players, Blitz events have decreased in participation. We have spoken at great lengths with players about the issues they are facing and we’ll begin taking steps to make this feature a favorite again. We're adjusting the Blitz cost formula to keep values within reasonable limits, making it much easier for players to participate and compete with one another. 
  3. Cash/Gold Updates: We are looking at options to expand the current cash system or potentially introduce a new type of earnable currency. This is also a perfect opportunity for the community to share your suggestions on any ways you’d like to use Cash/Gold in-game.
  4. Cash Economy Balancing: We'll be reviewing and fine tuning things like Property ownership, Familia sharing and others in an effort to create a more engaging and level Cash/Gold system. 

What This Means for You

These changes are designed to enhance your gaming experience by:

  • Preventing unexpected cash losses
  • Making bounties more accessible and engaging
  • Ensuring long-term in-game economic stability
  • Providing new and exciting ways to use your in-game wealth

We understand that some of these changes may affect your current gameplay strategies. We will be closely monitoring data and feedback to ensure we are making the right improvements to the game economy and player experience.

Your Feedback Matters

As we roll out these updates, we want to hear from you. Your insights and experiences are crucial in helping us refine and improve the game. Please share your thoughts through our official feedback channels or e-mail us directly at

As always, thank you for your continued support and passion for our games. Together, we're working towards creating an even more thrilling and balanced gaming experience for everyone.

Stay tuned for more detailed information on these updates in the coming weeks!