TGIF! Game Updates for July 9, 2021
Friday Friday Friday!
Another week down, and a lot of cool stuff going on in the gaming world! Let's go over what's new this week:
In-game Events:
Viking Clan Independence Day Sale:

The Independence Day Sale is on for a limited time! Pick up these great deals on exclusive items and favor points while you can!
Sale ends on July 10 at 9am
Viking Clan Summer Raid Games:

The Viking Clan Summer Raid Games started this week alongside the Vedrfolnir raid boss!
Players will join one of five teams and go head to head with the other teams as the compete to see who can perform the most raid actions during the event!
Players can win mythic items, favor points, skill points, and customization depending on their teams placement! All teams are guaranteed a reward, but the higher your team places, the better the rewards!
There are also checkpoints throughout the duration of the event that will reward players with various rewards as they race to win the event!
Kano Community Discord:

It is official! You may have heard rumors about it, but we want to tell you all now that the Kano Community Discord is real and it is here!
You can join us here for Voice chats, text chats, and exclusive contests such as giveaways and contests and so much more!
Practice Mode for Battle Royale:
We have heard your feedback on the Battle Royale Practice Mode and we are swapping over Battle Royale from Practice Mode to Stamina Slug-Fest on Monday, July 12 at 9 am Pacific.
What is Stamina Slug-fest?
You will be wagering Stamina as your entry cost. The Stamina for entry defaults to 1, but with a slider you can ratchet that up to your max stamina, or a maximum of 5,000 stamina
This amount of Stamina you wager doesn't change anything inside the match itself, that still plays the same, but what it does affect is your winning payout of XP.
The more Stamina you put in, the more you can win depending on your placement from 1st all the way to 50th. There will be a window in the lobby that will show you your potential payout based on the amount of Stamina you're wagering so you know what you'll get ahead of time if you win.
Lottery Winners in Mob Wars: LCN:

This week we had a big win for one player in Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra! A jackpot totaling 1806 FP was won on Tuesday July 6th.
If you want to get in on the action, make sure to pick up some Lottery tickets either from the store or the Battle Pass.
Zombie Slayer Faction Quests:
Faction quests are back this week in Zombie Slayer! Faction Quest achievements will be rewarded on Monday so make sure you and your faction get your quests done this weekend!
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event:

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Pirate Clan! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, July 13th at 3:00 pm pacific time on Server 1 and Server 2.
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
Where do sharks go on Vacation?