TGIF! Game Updates for February 26, 2021
Happy Friday, all!
We have a lengthy TGIF for you this week, so let’s get into what’s new and upcoming in gaming updates:
In-Game Events

The massive sea-monster Raid Boss, the Capricorn, returns this weekend! Set sail with your mateys and take down this leviathan for Superior items and Achievements!
Next week in Zombie Slayer, the Raid Shop feature will be available alongside the Undead Special Agent Raid Boss!
New Battle Pass Feature Coming Next Week!
Next Wednesday, March 3rd at 9 am, we’ll be releasing the Battle Pass to Mob Wars: LCN! We’re super excited to bring this new feature out to everyone in LCN and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on it.
But what is a Battle Pass? Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of information coming for you next week. On Tuesday March 2nd, there will be a blog post explaining the Battle Pass along with a livestream by our Player Success team at noon Pacific with a feature walkthrough.
Keep your eyes on the in-game News feed for more information early next week about the Battle Pass!
Bounty Blitz Week and Some Notes on Feedback We’ve Received
Next week on Monday, March 1st, Bounty Blitz week will kick off in all games. We have some updates around Blitz week, so it will be slightly different than previous weeks.
While the Blitz Week is popular, we’ve been receiving a lot of feedback from players around this event, and the hitlist in general.
To start with, we will be reducing the overall number of Blitzes slightly per game. Each game will still get Blitzes every day unless it overlaps with another event like Raids, but there will be fewer Blitzes per day.
We know this doesn’t solve the problem, but we also can’t keep running the Blitzes like we have been. To that point we are looking at further updates which will be coming soon such as taking a look at revamping Protection and other similar solutions.
We definitely have read and heard your concerns around these issues in the games and we take them to heart. We need to make sure that any changes we do make are beneficial to everyone and that we don’t move too hastily in trying to address things. But in the same token we recognize that the onus is on us to tackle these aspects of the game and improve the player experience.
Thank you for sending in your feedback and letting us know how you feel, and if you have anything else to share with us, please let us know via Support or through the in-game surveys that we send.
Mobile App Update
This week we released a mobile app update and this contains some quality of life changes as well as the data you will need to access the Battle Pass on mobile. Make sure to update to version 3.25 and keep your apps up to date to get the best experience!
Here’s a quick hit of what we changed in the latest update:
- View player profiles from the Faction (or game specific term) page
- You can now remove members from your Faction on the mobile app
- Email/password login fields no longer clear themselves out when you select them
Battle Royale Maintenance Mode
In order to preserve the health of the Battle Royale servers, every week on Wednesday at 8am Pacific the servers will undergo maintenance for an hour.
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Zombie Slayer! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, March 2nd: Zombie Slayer server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Zombie Slayer server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
Why did the golfer change his pants?
Because he got a hole in one!