TGIF! Game Updates for January 10, 2020
Happy Friday everyone!
Thanks for joining us for the second TGIF of 2020! Much like last week we have a lot to discuss so let’s jump into what’s new this past week in game development news!
In Game Events!

An armored tank company that fell early in the outbreak, the Panzer Division has broken through your salient and are attacking your front! Gather your squad of Slayers and show these pestilent panzer drivers who the real tank terrors are!

New Legendary Crates are now available! Make sure to pick up a master three-pack for a *guaranteed* Legendary item!
Adjustments to the Lottery coming soon!
Next week we’ll be making an update to the Lottery by juicing up the starting pot a little bit. After our announcement about the change in the news (stay tuned for that), all Lotteries will start with a pot of 500 FP/UNC already there!
The primary reason behind this change is that a higher starting jackpot will ensure that players who might select winning numbers early on in the pot’s lifetime won’t win smaller jackpots of 50 FP for example.
Because we’re guaranteeing such a large payout at the beginning, FP from tickets will need to catch up to the starting amount we’ve added before the pot will increase. Once the FP from tickets has reached the 500 FP/UNC amount, from then on the pot will increase provided it has not already been won by that time.
Raid Leaderboard Personal Stats Update
Starting with this week’s Zombie Slayer Raid Boss, the existing Raid Leaderboard at the top of that tab will be retired. During next week's NEW LCN Raid Boss, it will be replaced with a new Leaderboard that shows your personal stats for the current Raid. This will help you keep track of your latest contribution towards the Attack, Heal and Open Raid achievements.
Pirate Clan, as the Capricorn Raid from this month still has the leaderboard, this is your notice to collect any Raid Leaderboard medals you may have earned from this Raid by January 15th, otherwise you’ll be unable to do so afterwards.
As for the Raid Leaderboard placement achievements, those have been temporarily retired until we figure out a better way to reward them. Because of the removal of the Raid Tiers from all Raid Bosses a while back, this made the top 25% and top 5% placement achievements extremely difficult to earn if you weren’t already placing in those positions regularly. Stay tuned for more information about these achievements going forward.
Next Week’s Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we’ll be holding an Admin Blitz in Mob Wars: LCN! If you’re around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, January 7: Mob Wars: LCN server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Mob Wars: LCN server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
Why was the broom late for its meeting?
It overswept!