TGIF! Game Updates for January 17, 2020
Happy Friday everyone!
Despite the local weather attempting to bury the Kano HQ in a veritable snowpocalypse, we’ve got a full TGIF to go over this week including some updates from last week’s announcement and some additional fixes and improvements! Let’s get right into what’s new this past week in development news.
In Game Events!

A charming foe that is equal parts beguiling and deadly, the elusive Femme Fatale Raid Boss strikes in this limited time event! Band your mob together and take on this vicious vamp before she disappears back into the shadows.
For this event we’ve also made an update to the Stamina slider for Raid Bosses so you can now spend up to 100 Stamina per attack! Be warned, the harder you hit, the Raid Boss will hit back just as hard. This update will apply to all Raid Bosses across all games going forward as well.
When you’re done mopping up the Raid Boss next week, get ready to jet off to another exciting Location in Mob Wars: LCN...
Lottery Jackpot Update
This week, we rolled out the change to the Lottery Jackpot that will start all new draws with 500 FP/UN already in the pot. As a reminder from last week, because we're guaranteeing such a large payout at the beginning, FP from tickets will need to catch up to the starting amount we've added before the pot will increase.
Once the FP from tickets has reached the 500 FP/UNC amount, from then on the pot will increase provided it has not already been won by that time.
Raid Leaderboard Personal Stats Update
During this week's NEW LCN Raid Boss, the Raid Leaderboard was replaced with a new Leaderboard that shows your personal stats for the current Raid. This will help you keep track of your latest contribution towards the Attack, Heal and Open Raid achievements.
In a change from last week’s TGIF, the Raid Leaderboard placement achievements will continue to be tracked on the backend so if you have made any progress towards those achievements during the event, you will be able to collect the medals used to increment progress after the Raid is over like normal. Pirate Clan, you can still collect your medals for the achievements.
For this past week's Zombie Slayer Raid, due to a change we made in our original plan to retire the Raid Leaderboard and the achievements, there will be no medals to collect from this past Raid event. The medals will return to the next event for collection.
Apologies for the confusion from last week's TGIF about this change, but after receiving feedback we decided to make a pivot with how we were handling this rollout and by that point the Raid Boss was already too far along for ZS. Rest assured that these medals and the Raid Leaderboard achievements will be earnable during February's Raid Boss.
Cash on Hand and Bank/Vault Update
This has been coming up rather frequently in Support, and we thought we’d take a quick second here to talk about the amount of Cash/Gold you can have either on your Character or in the Bank/Vault.
The max value you can hold on is $18.44 quintillion, and you can have this both in the Bank and on your Character at the same time. Because our servers are unable to support a larger number at this time, this will be the maximum amount you can hold for the foreseeable future.
We’re looking at making an interface update to the Bank/Vault screen in the coming week or so that will warn you when you are approaching the maximum amount of money you can hold in either your Bank or on hand.
In addition to this, we’ve also made an adjustment to the Bank/Vault leaderboard so properly sort by the values that players are holding. Look for that adjustment over the weekend as the server refreshes.
2019 Year in Review Livestream
Next week on Monday, January 20 at 1:00 pm Pacific, join us on the Mob Wars: LCN fanpage ( for a livestream with our Player Success team going over the past year in our games!
We’ll be going over the highlights, answering questions from our fanpage and maybe giving away some prizes so make sure to swing by!
Next Week’s Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we’ll be holding an Admin Blitz in Viking Clan! If you’re around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, January 7: Viking Clan server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Viking Clan server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist!