TGIF! Game Updates for January 31, 2020
Happy Friday everyone!
Hope you’ve all had a good week and had the opportunity to partake in our Flash Sale that is going on until tonight at midnight. There’s some great deals in there so make sure not to miss out!
Now let’s get to what’s new this past week in game development news:
In Game Events!

Bearing down on you out of the storm, Blackbeard’s massive flagship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, seeks to sink your armada! Gather any allies you have and fight back against this high seas terror!

Mobsters that have unlocked the Amsterdam Location can now challenge the strongman for the local mafia, the Penose Enforcer! The Minigame for that Location is available now as well. Crafting will be released next week which will round out the content releases for Amsterdam.
Faction Quest Updates
For this week’s Syndicate Quests in Mob Wars: LCN, and for the rest of the games going forward, we'll be introducing a new option for Leaders and Officers to view the contribution of Syndicate members towards each Quest.
If you are the Leader or an officer in your Syndicate, on each Quest there will be a small "person" icon. Clicking on that icon will expand that Quest, showing you which of your Syndicate members are contributing towards completing the Quest and how much they've put into it.
Note that this is currently only available on the desktop version of the games and will be included in a mobile update at a later time.
Next Week’s Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we’ll be holding an Admin Blitz in Zombie Slayer! If you’re around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, February 4: Zombie Slayer server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Zombie Slayer server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
What do you call a short psychic that is on the run from the law?
A small medium at large!