TGIF! Game Updates for July 17, 2020
Happy Friday everyone! It’s another busy week here at the Kano HQ with one Raid Games finishing up and another getting started.
But that’s not all, we also have the return of a player favorite event coming up soon! Let’s get to what new and upcoming this week in development news:
Viking Clan Raid Games

Our first Raid Games has wrapped up and to the victors go the spoils. It was a close race between a few teams and everyone gave it their all, but in this contest the Green Team ended up taking home the prize!
Congratulations to everyone on the Green Team for their great teamwork. They got right out of the gate coordinating with their members and made a strong showing during the whole event.
Every team should have received their placement achievements now, so go to your achievements collection to check them out. If you have any questions or issues with the achievement, let us know in Support.
Pirate Clan Raid Games

The majestic Thunderbird comes to Pirate Clan this week, bringing with it not only roiling storm clouds and new loot to earn but also the Raid Games! This team-based event will challenge players to defeat the Raid Boss and work together in teams to earn prizes and vie for the First Place achievement.
Some quick hints about the Raid Games to keep in mind as we go into the weekend (you can also read this in the Walkthrough that we posted before the event and the in-game Help button):
During the Raid Games, players will see their chosen team’s progress bar along with all the checkpoints. Actions (Attacks and Heals) done by every member of the team will contribute towards progressing through the checkpoints. Every action you do on a Raid Boss, even if that Boss contains members from different teams, will contribute to your own team’s progress.
For every checkpoint reached, you’ll earn a special item starting with Commons, through to Superiors and eventually the coveted Mythic items! There are nine total checkpoints to complete. You’ll be able to see all nine on desktop, but mobile will only show a few of them due to size constraints.
We’ve seen some teams really get into the spirit of the Games and make their own Chat groups to coordinate, which has been awesome to watch. Make sure to get in on the action this weekend and coordinate with your teams and go for the Gold Medal achievement!
Get more information on the event itself here:
Zombie Slayer Raid Games Pre-registration and Event Walkthrough
Next week in Zombie Slayer, we’ll be kicking off the Raid Games event! In this new twist on the Raid Event, you’ll be joining teams with your fellow players to compete against other teams, earn prizes, and go for the gold!
Pre-registration for this event is on now, so coordinate with your Faction and your Squad to decide which team to join before the event starts proper next Thursday.
Get more information on pre-registration and the event here:
Bounty Blitz Week Returns!
This player-favorite event will be making its return starting next week! In case you missed it last time, Bounty Blitz Week is a week-long event that runs from Monday (July 20) to Sunday (July 26) and every game will be getting an increased number of Blitzes every day.
The Blitzes do follow the usual rules of trying to avoid events, so if you game has a Raid that will take priority, but there will still be plenty of Bounties flying next week!
Feats of Strength Achievements
With the conclusion of the VC Raid Games, we’re also introducing a new category for achievements across all games called “Feats of Strength”.
This is a new category where unique achievements, such as those from Raid Games placements or from retired LCN Raid Bosses, will be placed so they don’t remain in the regular category if they’re “unearnable” after a certain period of time. Essentially any achievement that can no longer be earned because they are from one-time events or are unavailable will be moved into this section.
This month, the Raid Games placement achievements when those events wrap up will be considered “Feats of Strength” since you’ll only get one achievement based on where your team placed. The following Mob Wars: LCN Raid Boss achievements will also be categorised as Feats:
- Technofascists
- Cult of Abomination
- Giga Prowler
- Mad Scientists
- Juicers
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Zombie Slayer! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, July 21: Zombie Slayer server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Zombie Slayer server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
How do you talk to a giant?
You use big words!