TGIF! Game Updates for March 26, 2021
Happy Friday all!
Thanks for joining us here for the final TGIF of March! It’s been one busy month for the games and we’ve got no intention of slowing down. Read on to find all the latest updates in gaming news:
In-Game Events

This monster from antiquity has resurfaced and is turning adventurers to stone to protect her treasures! Defeat this serpentine gorgon for new Superior items, achievements, and Raid Tokens to buy special items and Loot Cases from the Raid Shop!
Crafting was also released for the Pirate Clan Location Haunted Mangal this week, so check it out if you have access to that Location and see what you can make.
Battle Pass Season 2 Starts Next Week
Over in Mob Wars: LCN, the first Season of the Battle Pass is coming to a close next week. After Season 1 finishes, Season 2 will start right up at 9:00 am on March 31st!
Remember to collect all of your unlocked rewards before Season 1 ends because after the season is done the rewards will leave as well!
Faction Quest Hard Job Tweak
This week, we made a change to the Hard Jobs Quests on all games to reduce the number of Job completions required.
LCN, PC and ZS were lowered by 2,000, and VC was lowered by 1,000 because it was already lower than the other three games. So for example, previously it was 8,000 Jobs on Mob Wars: LCN, and now it will be 6,000.
This has been a point of feedback from players about this event, so let us know how this change feels! Look for more changes to Quest Events in the near future like other Quests and even achievements.
Bounty Blitz Week Next Week
On Monday, March 29th, Bounty Blitz Week will start across all games! This means that each game gets a couple Blitzes every day unless it runs over other events like Raid Bosses. Get your Cash or Gold ready for some mayhem!
Easter Livestream Next week!
Make sure to catch our next Livestream on March 30th, at 3:00 pm Pacific! You can swing by the Mob Wars: LCN Facebook page to tune in, learn about upcoming events and changes, and participate in trivia:
Make sure to stick around after the livestream proper for a Q&A session with our wonderful hosts as well!
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Zombie Slayer! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, March 30th: Zombie Slayer server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Zombie Slayer server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
What kind of car does an egg drive?
A yolkswagon!