TGIF! Game Updates for May 27, 2022
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s here, the weekend is here!
Warm wishes to our friends in America for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. We have a packed TGIF this week and a lot to cover, so let’s jump into it!
In-Game Events

The Mother’s Day sale is happening now, available in Zombie Slayer! There are exclusive bundles available for a limited time and the sale ends Saturday May 28th at 9am (PT). “Mom’s Flower Vase” is an item in particular that packs quite the punch!

Additionally in Zombie Slayer this weekend, The Rogue CBRN Team Raid Boss has been called in against the wishes of the UN! Consequently, the UN has now placed a series of bounties on the Raid Boss and each time you satisfy one of these bounties, you’ll earn a unique reward!
Reminder for all that once you complete a Raid Bounty to quickly collect your reward to open up the next tier.
Feel free to check out our recent ‘Raid Bounties Walkthrough’ Video (or check out our FAQ article on Raid Bounties below for a recap of how the event works:
That’s not all though in-game, across all 4 games we’ve released our special Totally Tubular calendar (specifically for the long weekend)! - Players will be able to complete it 3 times before it ends on Monday May 30th at 10am. Each completion of this challenge will earn you the weapon “Weekend Grilling Tools”. You don’t want to go into the long weekend without your grilling tools!
New Legendary Skeleton Crates have been released today across all 4 games with some excellent new gear to get your hands on! Grab these Legendary items in-game while you can.
In Mob Wars LCN, the Silicon Valley Co-op Boss and mini-game was released on Wednesday the 25th. Lastly, LCN and Pirate Clan players have their Syndicate/Armada Wars events going on now.
Battle Pass New Season
Viking Clan and Pirate Clan players this week saw the release of the 1-Year Anniversary Battle Passes for both games! Wow it’s been a year already?

Now to celebrate that fact, in both Viking Clan and Pirate Clan, you’ll also have access to the following:
- A Special Premium reward track that is exclusive to this season of Battle Pass
- You’ll be able to also earn Battle Pass items from previous seasons in addition to the current items
- There are exclusive Avatars only available through the Premium Reward track (and they are some of our personal favorites)
- Battle Pass themed Overlay & Borders are now available on the Free Track for everyone
- And for you Achievement Hunters out there, we’ve also got Battle Pass completion achievements (for both Free or Premium tracks) complete with Badge rewards
Mob Wars LCN players also received their brand NEW Season 17 Battle Pass this past Wednesday, so what are you waiting for? Take part while you can!
YouTube Update
Today our Player Success team has released a brand new video to our Youtube channel -
We decided to change things up and go for something a little more light hearted with this week’s video. Join Henry and Matthew as they taste test and rate local donuts from Victoria B.C. Come learn more about two members from our team and most likely leave with a craving for donuts.
Click here to Subscribe: and leave a comment telling us what your favorite donut flavor / flavor combination is!
Samsung Mobile Display Update
We have been notified by Samsung that an update is starting to roll out now that will fix the zoomed in display issue we received reports about. It will be corrected in an update for your OS that players should start seeing appear now.
Please download the update once available and there are more details available in our FAQ post -
Discord Livestream Fridays
Join the Kano Player Success Team every Friday at 12:00 noon Pacific Time for our Discord livestreams! These livestreams are more casual than our usual fare; we'll give you a quick recap of the week before handing out some free goodies like exclusive items. Everyone who participates in the chat will also be entered for a chance to win prizes of 50 FP each!
We had twice the amount of winners this week, so congratulations to today’s players!
You can join our Kano Community Discord server by clicking the following link:
Admin Blitz Event - Next Week

Next week, we'll be holding a Kano vs. Players - Admin Blitz in Mob Wars LCN! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by, and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk. We love chatting with players during these events, so watch out for the group chats and remember to bump up those Admins Killed/Listed stats. We hope to see you there on:
Tuesday, May 31st: Mob Wars LCN Server 1 and Server 2 @ 3:00 pm Pacific
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
The CEO of IKEA was recently elected Prime Minister in Sweden.
He should have his cabinet together by the end of the weekend.