TGIF! Game Updates for November 20, 2020
Before we get started, many thanks to Mohin for writing last week’s update! With all the changes being made to the games, both in the past week and upcoming, it’s important to keep the TGIFs rolling and keep you all in the know.
Speaking of, let’s talk about what’s happening in gaming news:

The Rum-Runner is back and expanding his operations in your territory! Are you just going to sit by and let this happen?
In order to further sweeten the pot, the Godfather is offering Raid Bounties in order to reward you for your efforts.
If you need a refresher, make sure to check out the info modal! Most importantly, collect your Bounties when you finish them; this will move you on to the next objective.
But that’s not all! In case you missed it, the Raid Boss this week started a bit earlier at 6am Pacific instead of 9am. This is because when the Raid Boss wraps up next Friday, a brand new Raid Boss will roll out!
We’re very excited about this Raid Boss double feature and if you want more information make sure to read the blog post we put out:
Next week will also bring our big Black Friday Sale to all games on Thursday, November 26, the same day as Viking Clan’s Raid Bounty Event. There’s even more to talk about around Black Friday, so be sure to stay turned to the News feed for all the details early next week!
Livestream Next Week!
Just because we enjoyed our livestream so much this week, we’re having another one next week as well! Join us on the Mob Wars: LCN Facebook page at noon on November 25 to get all the news you need to know about our events!
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Viking Clan! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, November 24: Viking Clan server 1 @ 3:00 pm Pacific and Viking Clan server 2 @ 3:30 pm Pacific.
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
Why did the turkey join the rock band?
Because it already had drumsticks!