TGIF! Game Updates for November 26, 2021
Happy Friday everyone!
And Happy Thanksgiving weekend to our American players! We’ve got a lot of events to get through so let’s jump right into what’s new in gaming news:
In-Game Events

Our big Black Friday Sale event is on! Not only are there great deals to take advantage of on all games - including special deals only on Kano Play - there are also brand new Avatars to equip.
These Avatars are available in LCN, PC and VC and give your profile an extra visual kick to stand out! Make sure to check out the Sale and the Avatars by heading to the Shop before it all ends on Monday, November 29th.
This powerful porcine is rampaging through Midgard! In addition to the great feast that comes from striking down the beast, the Gods are offering Raid Bounties to sweeten the pot. Grab your clan and battle this Raid Boss this weekend only!

A crafty rival boss, the Dealmaker appears to offer you some cutthroat rates this Black Friday weekend! There are additional Raid Bounty rewards to earn with this Raid Boss, so I’m sure your fellow Mobsters are eager to help you out with a few battles.
Player Success Livestream Archive
Did you miss our livestream this week? Don’t worry we’ve got an archived version for you right here:
While this was an extra special, extra long livestream, our regular streams are just as fun and informative! Make sure to tune in to our next one for info on the games, trivia with prizes and an always informative Q&A!
Next Week's Admin Blitz Event

Next week, we'll be holding an Admin Blitz in Pirate Clan! If you're around on the following date, make sure to drop by and nab some sweet cash off of some Kano folk:
Tuesday, November 30th: Pirate Clan server 1 and server 2 @ 3:00 pm Pacific
Frozen User Count:
Lame Joke of the Week:
Why wasn’t the turkey very good at boxing?
Because he got the stuffing beat out of him!