TGIF! Game Updates for October 11, 2019
Kano Apps Birthday Sale in Pirate Clan
Can you believe it's been 11 years?! We couldn’t have done it without you. Celebrate Kano's 11th birthday and indulge in these exclusive deals and item bundles!
From now until October 13th at 9:00 AM PST, you'll get Specialty Limited Time Items with purchases of FP Packs! Only available for 48 hours so take advantage of these deals while you can!
Log in to uncover your exclusive deals!
Mobile App Updates
To round out the week we have some updates to the Mobile Apps, specifically around the game footer and the Fight response screen.
A while back we added some quick access button to the Fight response to allow you to check Achievement progress, send pre-made messages, access your Boosts and ask for Help. We redesigned those buttons and moved them around for a more easy-to-use placement:
We also restyled the game footer buttons to give them a more raised look to help them stand out from the rest of the app.
As with all of our changes to the mobile app, if you have any feedback or run into issues with the apps, please let us know via Support!
Frozen User Count
Hitlist Suspended User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
What do you call an empty jar of Cheese Whiz?
Cheese Was!