TGIF! Game Updates for September 27, 2019
Happy Friday everyone!
From Raids to Battle Royale to some upcoming changes, we’ve got a bit of everything for you this week! Let’s go over what’s new and what’s up next week in development news:
In Game Events!

The Specter Raid Boss returns, bringing with him a new Raid Shop stocked with new goodies to earn! The Raids will end as usual on Monday at noon, but the Raid Shop will remain open until October 6 at noon. If you have any leftover Raid Tokens, make sure to spend them before then!

Crafting recipes went out this week for Utgard in Viking Clan, closing off the releases for that Location. Make sure to head on over to the Blacksmith and see what you can make!
Battle Royale
This past Tuesday we held a longer Battle Royale event in order to give more players a chance to partake in the free-for-all sensation that’s sweeping the Mobster nation!
For anyone who missed out on this event, we’ll be running another Battle Royale session next Tuesday, October 1! Keep your eyes on the News feed and our social pages for more information and any changes from the last event.
We’ve also added a handy “How to Play” button on the BR lobby, so if you have any questions about the mode make sure to click on that link for a video and the larger walkthrough!

Upcoming Group Chat Changes
Early next week, we’ll be releasing some updates that will make it easier to manage the Group Chats you own.
When this change is live, you’ll be able to assign up to 3 Officers per Group, and you can transfer ownership of each Group to one of the Officers if you want to (similar to how Factions work).
Owners and Officers will now be able to block players which will remove them from that Group and will prevent them from rejoining it (this action can be reversed).
Keep an eye out on the News feed to know when these changes go live next week!
Desktop Hitlist Change
One piece of feedback we hear about the Hitlist link on desktop is that it’s a bit too far from the Attack button which can make it difficult for players to keep up with high-activity phases on the Hitlist like the Quests or a Blitz.
Next week we’ll be making an adjustment to the placement of the Hitlist link to the right side of the Fight sub-menu, beside the War Event link. Here’s a screenshot of how it will look once the change is out:

Keep an eye out for this update on all games early next week!
Frozen User Count
Hitlist Suspended User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
Why does Piglet smell?
Because he plays with Pooh!